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4 Ways Fathers Contribute to a Child’s Well-Being: A Father’s Impact


A loving father is an asset for child development. From teaching patience and virtue to modeling respect and emotional intelligence, an involved father can transform a child’s developmental experience and impart lasting values in a child’s mind and heart.

Frederick Douglas once said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” A father can build a strong child and construct an unbreakable foundation for them—one based on trust, wisdom, and compassion.

An active father can increase a child’s chances of academic success

A journal from the National Clearinghouse of Child Abuse and Neglect correlates increased father involvement with more significant educational improvement and success. Kids with involved fathers learn to read at earlier ages, more patiently overcome academic obstacles, and develop cognitive abilities and skills faster than their counterparts. This educational success translates later in life to greater job satisfaction, better adaptability to stress, and greater overall career fulfillment.

Children with involved fathers form more meaningful social connections

Children with high attachment to their fathers from infancy tend to express greater self-confidence, a willingness to explore their surroundings, and a strong desire to connect with those around them. All of these traits contribute to quality social connections in youth and a meaningful social network later in life. Further, these traits equip children with the empathic and communication skills to develop high emotional intelligence.

Involved fathers can teach children healthy boundaries

Active fathers can model healthy relationships and boundaries to their children that they can use to establish effective and long-lasting connections. Fathers can teach their daughters to advocate for equal treatment while modeling for their sons how to respect and encourage the women in their lives. These skills can lead to healthier mental states, more confidence, and a greater assurance of what to expect in successful and beneficial relationships.

Active fathers can increase children’s ability to regulate behavior and emotions

The way that fathers play with their children and encourage them to be active can increase children’s resilience on the playground and teach them the benefits of healthy and respectful competition. Teaching a child how to control their emotions in the heat of the moment, on or off the field, can be crucial for better emotional management and intelligence.

An involved father provides skills and wisdom that impact children into their adult lives. Never underestimate the role an active father can play in modeling for their children how to live their most compassionate and fulfilled lives – now and for decades to come.


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