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12 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Prevention Of Yeast Infection



1. Swap tight-fitting clothing like jeans, leggings or underwear for loose, moisture-wicking cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.

2. Avoid douching or rinsing the vagina.

3. Avoid scented feminine hygiene products, like tampons or scented soaps.

4. Avoid remaining in wet clothes or bathing suits after swimming.

5. Avoid remaining in hot tubs or hot baths for extended periods of time.

6. Wipe from front to back after using the restroom.

7. Wear condoms during intercourse and properly clean any toys.

8. Consider taking probiotics to encourage the “good” bacteria in your vaginal flora.


To avoid getting a yeast infection or passing one along, do the following:

  1. Wear a condom to help reduce your chances of developing a yeast infection.

  2. Practice sexual monogamy to reduce your risk for a yeast infection.

  3. Practice good hygiene and keep your penis and genitals clean and dry.

  4. If you are uncircumcised, clean under the foreskin with soap and water, and return your foreskin to its usual position after you have sexual intercourse.


Yeast infections are typically treated with antifungal medications (like Miconazole, which is an over-the-counter medication, and Fluconazole). Severe yeast infections may require a long course of antifungal meds or special treatments.

If the discomfort and itching persist, tell your doctor or gynecologist, it may be important to get a pelvic exam to rule out more serious issues. Your gynecologist may test the pH of your vagina.


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